Death and the Deathless: An Introduction to Insight Dialogue

  • November 4-5, 2022

  • Dave Leggatt

Participant Reflections

The ‘pause’ is what moved me the most—it’s so obvious and simple—but I hope to keep that with me. I have an enormous amount of gratitude for the evidence and simplicity of this practice.

It was rich, a very full day and a half, and I just  want to deepen my understanding, to get to know Insight Dialogue better

"I was surprised by what stood out in the 2 day intensive. For one- I found myself filled with gratitude- not the type that’s derived from prying silver linings out of the day. Rather just the natural appreciation for human connectedness when instead of defenses and distraction there’s trust. I think this practice will  be most helpful in my day-to-day interactions. I didn’t realize in conversation how my mind so habitually jumps away to self-indulgent tangents beyond the human in front of me. "

"I’ve always been looking for a way to bring what I’ve learned on the cushion and bridge that into my daily life and interpersonal relations. ...Insight Dialogue was different for me because it brought the experience and the spaciousness that I can experience from time to time… well, it doesn’t even need to be the spaciousness, the hindrances, of being familiar with the hindrances, to bring that awareness into everything, from close relationships to being in the supermarket to work relationships…" Read more

I had a wonderful day. I learned several things about myself, about how to build a great relationship; it was touching, inspiring, energizing, and a good challenge to put it into practice in daily life.

I just discovered the practice of ID; I find it a very powerful way of practicing meditation by gaining awareness through oneself and also through the other of what meditation is.

Resources from this Event

The Seattle Insight Meditation Society invited us to explore the Buddha’s teachings on Death and the Deathless during this non-residential hybrid Insight Dialogue retreat.


When mindfulness of death is developed and cultivated, it’s very fruitful and beneficial. It culminates in the deathless and ends with the deathless. (AN 6.19)

We investigated the Buddha’s teachings on Death and the Deathless, a gentle and deep exploration of something we all must face but often avoid until it is too late. Using the Insight Dialogue guidelines, we will contemplate together being present with the mortality of our own bodies and of those close to us, the illusory nature of birth and death and grieving.

Death and the Deathless: An Introduction to Insight Dialogue from Seattle Insight Meditation on Vimeo.

Offered by Dave Leggatt to SIMS on 2022 November 04 as a prelude to a daylong retreat

Dana, Precepts, and Introduction from Seattle Insight Meditation on Vimeo.

Offered by Dave Leggatt to SIMS as a part of a daylong retreat entitled, "Death and the Deathless: An Introduction to Insight Dialogue," 2022 November 05

Guidance for First Morning Practice from Seattle Insight Meditation on Vimeo.

Offered by Dave Leggatt to SIMS as a part of a daylong retreat entitled, "Death and the Deathless: An Introduction to Insight Dialogue," 2022 November 05

Guidance for Second Morning Practice from Seattle Insight Meditation on Vimeo.

Offered by Dave Leggatt to SIMS as a part of a daylong retreat entitled, "Death and the Deathless: An Introduction to Insight Dialogue," 2022 November 05

Guidance for Third Morning Practice from Seattle Insight Meditation on Vimeo.

Offered by Dave Leggatt to SIMS as a part of a daylong retreat entitled, "Death and the Deathless: An Introduction to Insight Dialogue," 2022 November 05

Afternoon Guided Meditation from Seattle Insight Meditation on Vimeo.

Offered by Dave Leggatt to SIMS as a part of a daylong retreat entitled, "Death and the Deathless: An Introduction to Insight Dialogue," 2022 November 05

Guidance for First Afternoon Practice from Seattle Insight Meditation on Vimeo.

Offered by Dave Leggatt to SIMS as a part of a daylong retreat entitled, "Death and the Deathless: An Introduction to Insight Dialogue," 2022 November 05

Guidance for Second Afternoon Practice from Seattle Insight Meditation on Vimeo.

Offered by Dave Leggatt to SIMS as a part of a daylong retreat entitled, "Death and the Deathless: An Introduction to Insight Dialogue," 2022 November 05

Closing from Seattle Insight Meditation on Vimeo.

Offered by Dave Leggatt to SIMS as a part of a daylong retreat entitled, "Death and the Deathless: An Introduction to Insight Dialogue," 2022 November 05