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What Practitioners

Have to Say

“I love that we’re all laughing so much, it’s such a joy…”

- Participant 6, New Mexico

“…it’s about paying attention to what’s within and being authentic.”

- Participant 5, New Mexico

“I’m blown away by this…how I’ve been feeling… Things aren’t good and I’m happy and peaceful, and I’m falling in love with people easily, and I’m kind of one of those people that I’m falling in love with.”

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- Participant 4, New Mexico

“I think insight dialogue really is, well, it’s a complete package because we do not live in isolation, and if we’re going to apply what we learn on the cushion to off the cushion then what better way to do it than through dialogue?”

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- Participant 3, New Mexico

“I’ve always been looking for a way to bring what I’ve learned on the cushion and bridge that into my daily life and interpersonal relations. …Insight Dialogue was different for me because it brought the experience and the spaciousness that I can experience from time to time… well, it doesn’t even need to be the spaciousness, the hindrances, of being familiar with the hindrances, to bring that awareness into everything, from close relationships to being in the supermarket to work relationships…”

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- Participant 2, New Mexico

“…It starts with the pause. I just pause and I just feel myself and then I just relax. And that relaxing has freed up so much energy in my mind and my body so I’m not so exhausted anymore. And I’ve learned how to listen…”

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- Participant 1, New Mexico

“I was surprised by what stood out in the 2 day intensive. For one- I found myself filled with gratitude- not the type that’s derived from prying silver linings out of the day. Rather just the natural appreciation for human connectedness when instead of defenses and distraction there’s trust. I think this practice will  be most helpful in my day-to-day interactions. I didn’t realize in conversation how my mind so habitually jumps away to self-indulgent tangents beyond the human in front of me. “

- DM, Vancouver

The ‘pause’ is what moved me the most—it’s so obvious and simple—but I hope to keep that with me. I have an enormous amount of gratitude for the evidence and simplicity of this practice.

- Montreal, October 2022

Insight Dialogue for me is a way of bringing meditation into daily life, into places where often, like when we open our mouths, we lose the meditative state, we lose mindfulness, and it’s a wonderful way of rediscovering the thread of presence through the relationship, through discussion, and plunging in and getting to know oneself better and become so much better connected to the other and to connect with the heart—it’s huge

- Montreal, October 2022

I think when you speak from your heart, the other person or people we’re with receive the information with that part of their being. It has to make its way to get there, but I think that’s when we’re truthful in the world, that’s where we set our course towards that which is most beautiful, in order to honor life.

- Montreal, October 2022