Monthly Archives: December 2022

New Mexico – Participant 2 Reflection

Insight Dialogue was different for me because it brought the experience and the spaciousness that I can experience from time to time… well, it doesn’t even need to be the spaciousness, the hindrances, of being familiar with the hindrances, to bring that awareness into everything, from close relationships to being in the supermarket to work relationships

New Mexico – Participant 2 Reflection2023-01-03T19:33:02+00:00

Bringing Ease into Daily Life – Insight Dialogue Retreat with Dave Leggatt

Life is a journey that takes us from one moment to the next and when we are attentive to the arising and passing of each moment, then there is the possibility of ease. Out of attentiveness and ease, clear seeing arises.

Bringing Ease into Daily Life – Insight Dialogue Retreat with Dave Leggatt2022-12-12T19:44:28+00:00
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